Author: Agatebaylodge Team

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Basics Of Surf Fishing

About Surf Fishing You really do not have to go to the deep sea or the ocean to catch fish. You can easily fish from the shore if you know the basics of surf fishing. Even beginners will be rewarded with 30 to 50 pounds of striped bass, …

The Basics Of Pole Fishing

Getting Started With Pole Fishing Pole fishing is ideal for fishing in still waters. This technique is mostly implemented by hobbyists who are passionate about recreational fishing. The fact that you cannot fish tons of fish year round does not make pole fishing ideal for commercial fishing. You …

Learning The Fly Fishing Techniques

The traditional rod, line, and lure method of fly fishing has come a long way with the lines and lures undergoing vast enhancements in terms of quality and durability of materials. Though many fishing methods have been introduced, the popularity of fly fishing remains the same among the …

3 Top Fishing Rods Of 2020

When it comes to fishing, patience is the key. Though you are new or old to the fishing hobby, you would know this well. However, a great pocket knife, fishing accessories, and fishing rods also play an important part in fishing. You have to research and find the …

Fishing Methods For Carps

Carp fishing has increased in popularity in recent years. However, it is not an easy task as you need to first get into the water with confidence and hope of catching carp. We have explained some exclusive tips and fishing methods of carps that will help you fish …