Tag: Fishing

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The Best Tips To Catch a Blackfish

Blackfish is otherwise known as a Tog or Tautog, and it lives along the Northeast coast. This is a fish which is challenging to catch; this is why there are so many guides about how best to find it. Tautog is very selective when it comes to baits, …

Things You Should Not Do When Fishing

Learn From Other People’s Mistakes Fishing is all about the experience, but avoiding common mistakes will help you in mastering the art in minimal time. You may have heard people say that learning effective fishing techniques takes a lot of time. But, if you keep on repeating the …

Hacks to Catch White Perch

Fishers know well that every species of fish requires different techniques, baits to catch. In addition to that, it’s essential to learn about their way of life and the whereabouts of their natural habitat. White perch is no different. If you want to be successful in catching them, …